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Fleet Augmentation Procedures


Please reference OMAO Procedure 1211-01 Commissioned Officer Augmentation for policy and procedure for the NOAA Corps fleet augmentation policy.

The Director, NOAA Corps has identified certain billets that are either exempt from the augmentation policy or require specific approval for augmentation. Please reference the Exempted Billets memo. Adherence to the augmentation policy is required for all billets not listed in the memo.

Useful Links:

Marine Operations Augmentation List
Used as a reference for ship commands and the MO Crew Program Manager when selecting augmenters for vacancies.

Augmentation Conflict Log Form
Used by officers to communicate any conflicts during their active augmentation periods including leave, shore assignment critical responsibilities, and already-scheduled augmentation.

Fleetwide MO Crew Requests (Smartsheet)
Listing and status of deck officer augmentation needs that ship commands have communicated to the MO Crew Program Manager.

Deck Officer Augmentation Request (Fillable Form)
Used by ship commands to indicate a need for deck officer augmentation to the MO Crew Program Manager. If the ship command has already identified an augmenting officer for a need, the command should still generate a request and include the identified officer's name in the request for tracking.

"How to Guide" for Submitting Augmentation into OPF
Use this guide to submit E2 augmentation orders into the OPF for sea service credit and augmentation credit towards the Commissioned Officer Augmentation Policy.

For Questions on Officer Augmentation Procedures, Please Contact:

Marine Center Email Phone
MOC Crew Supervisor MOC.Crew.Supervisor@noaa.gov 541-867-8763